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Business Development

[biz-nis] [dih-vel-uh-p-muh-nt]

Noun - within healthcare, a highly strategic mix of activities, spanning across multiple portfolios, focused on the creation of long-term value for an organization by building relationships with its patients, visitors, staff, other key stakeholders.

As government funding is getting tighter, costs are rapidly rising, and capacity is getting stretched more and more each day, healthcare organizations across the country are looking to identify, evaluate and prioritize unique opportunities that truly create sustainable value.

The Canadian Healthcare Business Development Network (CHBDN) is focused on bringing together a  broad range of clinical and healthcare business leaders from across all of Canada for education, networking, sharing of expertise, and ultimately discussion on how business development activities can be a strategic driver in creating long-term sustainability.

Conference Organizers
Harold Featherston
Chief Executive Diagnostics, Ambulatory & Planning
Muskoka Algonquin Health Care
Paul W. Truscott, Jr.
Director, Financial Planning & Decision Support
Humber River Hospital
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