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Justify Your Attendance

Thank you for your interest in attending CHBDN. Things are shaping up to be a fantastic event filled with relevant sessions that will provide a valuable platform for education, networking, sharing of expertise, and ultimately discussion on how Business Development activity can be a strategic driver in creating long-term value within healthcare – all delivered by a broad range of clinical and healthcare business leaders from across all of Canada.


We have received a request for a Business Justification letter from some of our attendees.  Below is a letter template you can use to help justify your participation in CHBDN. Simply copy and paste the document into an email or word document and fill in the highlighted portions. This will outline the value that attending CHBDN provides not just you but your entire organization.


Subject: Request to Attend CHBDN Conference


Dear [Decision Maker Name],


The Canadian Healthcare Business Development Network (CHBDN) is a group of professionals representing clinical and business leaders from major Canadian academic, research intensive teaching, and forward-thinking community-based hospitals, as well as administrators from several provincially-based regional health authorities. Collectively, its institutions are estimated to represent over $25 billion in annual healthcare expenditures. Network members are focused upon seeking out innovative ideas from within their own organizations as well as outside their walls, which can be translated into a financial opportunity that is consistent with the institutional mission and values.


CHBDN ( is excited to be hosting its 17th Annual Conference on Sept 25-27th, 2019 in Muskoka, Ontario. This year’s theme will challenge participants to “Think B.I.G.”

Build Partnerships – How can we leverage outside expertise in order to provide enhanced service to our patients? 

Improve Margins – How can we increase revenues or decrease our expenses while maintaining safe, effective care?

Generate Capacity – How can we treat and manage our patients more efficiently?


If I attend I’ll receive:

  • Over 12 hours of learning in track sessions.

  • The chance to understand the latest trends from healthcare leaders and guest speakers. Participants include clinical and business leaders, from institutions from Nova Scotia to British Columbia.

  • Approx. 12 hours of high level networking. Throughout the course of the three days there’s time dedicated to networking, plus special events, so I’ll have a chance to raise our profile and develop key relationships and contacts to advance our agenda.

  • Access to key sponsors. I’ll have access to product demos and get 1-to-1 face time with sponsors. Of specific interest to us are: (choose the most relevant to your organization at



The approximate investment for my attendance is as follows (complete the information as appropriate):

Registration (for all 3 days)                        $XXX

Meals (5 meals and snacks included)      $0

Travel costs                                                  $XXX

Accommodation                                          $XXX

Total cost to attend:                                   $XXXX

† Early bird registration fee if paid by August 15th

Payback: Our ROI

I believe the insights learned by attending CHBDN will provide immediate payback to our organization. Every year, our provincial government invests billions to support hospitals as they strive to provide care for a growing patient population. However, as you are keenly aware, these transfers do not always cover our entire operating budget. The cost of attendance seems a small price to pay for actionable intelligence to help our institution close this financing gap in order to have the capacity to meet patient care demands and balance the budget.


When I return from CHBDN, I will compile a short presentation covering speaker’s presentation notes, useful vendor product information, new contacts made and a proposal for implementing new ideas that will benefit our organization. I will also make any Conference materials available to my colleagues.


The conference is fast approaching, and space is filling up, so I would appreciate a quick response. Thank you for your consideration.


[Add standard sign off]



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